originally posted in:Owners of the Katana
Anybody played it? Chaos Edition was on sale on Steam yesterday so I picked it up. I've been watching the TotalBiscuit Blood Bowl Tournament every week which made me want it. It's a fun, though at times VERY frustrating, game.
For those that do not know, it's a turn-based football game sort of. Except it's largely about punching/trying to kill the other teams' players. It's a game about risk-management as everything eventually comes down to a roll of the die, though many factors can influence the final result (many of which can be controlled to one degree or another by the player).
I haz nobody to play with though! Anybody else tried it, want to try it, hear about it, watched the same tournament? Curious about the opinions of my fellow Bnetters!
So I just found that it's on sale again today on Steam until 4. So... anybody interested should get it. $10 from $30. Definitely worth it. TONS of replayability since it's a continuous thing.Very fun. And I need people to play with!
Ive been watching the same tournament and its making me want to try it. Seems quite interesting, if a bit frustrating at times.