I sorta fall into this thought that Reach was basically a pre-beta in testing out some mechanics on the 360 for Destiny. The GUTA was to get a feel for the large foes, while the Long Night of Solace was a testing ground for our Destiny Ships. So on and so on. But the Moa has been a favorite sorta of quirk for everyone since we had to hunt them down or have had them run face first into our chests, fists, and occasional stickies to hilarious Karma.
But will we get to ride mounts like the Moa, as well as other creatures of burden. Any large army will travel with native species for food, burden, and usage ...so I would hope our foes brought their dogs and horses as well. I just sorta laugh at the thought of riding a Moa like something out of the 1977 Wizard Cartoon movie.
I think it would add something to those snowy worlds or rocky environments a Pike might sputter in.
Your thoughts on the matter.