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3/14/2013 3:42:05 PM

Give me arguments for/against Gay Marriage

Quick summary: I'm doing a persuasive essay on the topic. I want to hear some of the big opinions for or against to use in the essay. Flood, I come to you cause you can be a divisive group of people. Go.

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  • Edited by Gaara444: 3/14/2013 7:52:46 PM
    Easy As Hell Solution: Federal Government legalizes Gay Marriage across all states but individual churches can choose weather or not to carry them out. Meanwhile, the state has it's own Gay Marriage process if Gay Couples can't find a church that will accept them. Bam. Solved. Done.

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      I'm not against gay marriage, I'm against ALL marriage. It's a useless waste of time and money that often ends in a bitter divorce which wastes even more time and money. The government should not be involved in it at all. Two consenting adults can write their own contracts stating whatever they want and call it whatever they want. Hell, 30 people should be allowed to do the same and call it marriage if they want.

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    • There isn't any logical explanation to be against it.

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    • This video sums up my opinions quite nicely.

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      • Edited by Icy Wind: 3/14/2013 4:38:56 PM

        Started a new topic: The Essay(7 Replies))

      • What does it matter? We are already dead.

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        • [quote]Give me arguments for/against Gay Marriage[/quote] You can't make me!

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          • [url][/url]

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          • Gay's shouldn't be allowed to marry because it will lead to incest relationships demanding recognition. And then pedophiles will want it. Slippery slope. It'll kill America.

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            • becaus

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            • There is no good argument against gay marriage.

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            • There are no logically valid arguments against gay marriage, unless you argue that all marriage shouldn't be a state sanctioned institution. Every "argument" is based on one or more logical fallacies.

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            • If we let them gays marry what are we gonna do next, let people marry their toasters!? We can't have that. It's gross.

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              • Simple: The Christian church shouldn't decide what sorts of marriages should be legal since marriage pre-dates modern religion. +The separation of church and state.

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                  Because I have a right to tell others how to love each other

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                • There are obviously plenty of arguments for it. However teh puma cannot think of a single logical reason not to allow it because it'd sound like some redneck jumbo.

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                • Edited by Comet: 3/15/2013 11:51:37 PM
                  i have never fallen in love with someone, not to the point where i would marry them. who am i to tell someone else what to feel and for whom? if they think they found love, i say let them have a go at it, good luck. it is hard enough finding someone to (potentially) spend the rest of your life with. also for the states that have Common-Law Marriage does that not apply to couples of the same sex? -found it. apparently it does not. how dumb.-

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                  I support gay marriage. Just because we don't agree with their way of life doesn't mean we have the right to take away their freedoms.

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                • Thanks for the input everyone. The essay has been posted here, go check it out and let me know your thoughts :)

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                • It's gross.

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                • There's no argument against it. It doesn't change anything for the worse at all.

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                • Here's a future problem I see with gay marriage -gay couple wants to marry in church because they are protected by the law. -church refuses to marry because it goes against their beliefs -gays cry hate crime and members of faith are prosecuted

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                  • Edited by DEZARATH: 3/14/2013 4:30:33 PM
                    Place it under civil union so gay couples can share in the benefits as other heterosexual couples that also had opted for civil unions. This also protects the belief structures of embedded religious institutes and faith based populations that feel they too are being victimized by their beliefs being compromised to fit societal shifts. Marriage is a term that holds a certain place in binding under the doctrines of a religion, only now Governments are also using the term. It's not easy to be a Christian or Catholic or Muslim as in example of all major religion throughout the human experience on earth. There are set rules in place that define these cultures of belief. Live by it or leave it. Conforming to societal whims depending on each new generation is not what defines these historical institutes. Instead it is that they are set under their laws and instructions, which they see as edicts by God that set them apart and define them on inherit beliefs. The Gay community like many others who fall on the wrong side of these tones will simply have to form their own churches and large active communities to change policy and influence law makers to achieve their long term goals. So long as marriage is used as the term over civil union it will chafe those who feel as if their values and belief are under direct siege to be compromised and redefined. And if you can redefine and change one part then it's an easy slide down hill to loss of identity core to who you are as a group and what defines you.

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                    6 Replies
                    • The fact that there isn't any argument against it is enough of an argument for it in it self.

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                    • I actually don't know of a reason to be against it.

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                    • Edited by TheBrandingIron: 3/14/2013 4:21:32 PM
                      I remember Gaara444 or whoever making an interesting point about instead forcing Heterosexual couples to get Civil Unions and granting all the tax and other benefits to civil union couples, leaving "marriage" up to the individual religions. I can't find that post, but it was something I made sure to think about even away from the Flood.

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