You know, I hear it all the time nowadays. The stereotypical roles that men play tend to make some people think less of those who don't conform to them, right? Like, a minor example would be the double standard of admitting that a member of your same sex is attractive.
Girls tend to do this all the time. They compliment each other's hair, what they're wearing... Shit like that. However, occasionally (but not always, mind), if a guy acknowledges another guy's handsome appearance, some people are quick to point out how "gay" that is.
I don't have a problem with that, personally. I think many guys are handsome, and if I'm in a good mood, or I feel like just starting a friendly talk session, I'll compliment their appearance. Though I'm straight. Doesn't bother me, but I can see how it bothers some people.
What bothers me is these self-righteous mother-blam!-ers... The ones who, upon hearing someone call another guy "gay" or a "fag" because they didn't conform to heterosexual norms, are quick to point out that this person must be "uncomfortable" or "insecure" with his sexuality.
...Why is that? How does thinking that homosexual behavior is, well, homosexual... How is that, in any way, indicative of someone who isn't confident with their sexuality?
If anything, I think that makes you MORE confident with your sexuality. Like, I'm straight, and when I compliment guys' appearances, it's just invariably awkward and, well, homosexual. I'm not gonna let that bother me, though, and stop me from complimenting those who deserve to be complimented.
But someone who is homophobic and makes fun of someone for being gay... How does that mean they're not completely sure they are straight? I don't get it. If they weren't sure, why would they show every sign of being sure. Doesn't make any sense to me.
What did I just read? Oh, wait, it was just more uneducated garbage.