I think the whole situation isn't a completely lost hope. Well, let me explain. Asked her out about a little over two weeks ago. She said yes, we exchange numbers, and set a date for the following week. I get really excited and happy for once in a long time.
That weekend she says she has to cancel, and says she's going to have to postpone it for a few weeks. At first I'm ok with it. Then I kind of got drunk and sent her a pissed off message accusing her of standing me up. She doesn't reply back, so I keep texting quite a few times.
Fast forward a few days, she says I made her uncomfortable, and not to text her about this again. Being a desperate idiot who doesn't know when to stop, I call her, find her on facebook, and message her on there. Next day I try to talk to her after class, she basically yells at me and says I was mean to her and I didn't even know her, blah blah blah.
And now I have to do a group project with her, haven't texted her for two weeks. On break for a week now. So, should I attempt to text her? What could or I say? Something about me going to work on our project over the break? Or am I just being delusional and the situation really is FUBAR? Ok, maybe it is, I mean I was practically a stalker to her, and had to basically follower her after class like a creep just to talk to her after she was already pissed off at me... And I already did apologize in text, and in person.
Don't text her for a while. If you apologized then that's the best you can do for now. Be nice to her while youre working on the project but don't make an effort to talk to her outside of school for a litte while. She's annoyed by you and trying to force it will only make it worse. Give it time, and hope you can start to repair things a bit just by being nice and giving her some space. It'll take some time, but the more you bug her the longer it will take.
Want my advice? Don't try and repair anything Not really in the same level, but a close friendship with a girl recently ended for me. Mainly cause she showed her true colours. But it all started going downhill after I betrayed her trust and we fell out. I dunno if all girls are like that, but I fear you may think everything's fixed and going well, then this fall out comes back to bite you in the ass.
Use a wrench.
Update: Going to text her tomorrow. I'm just so lonely and bored and have absolutely nothing to do. But I need some ideas of what to say.
Honestly, this just sounds like an honest mistake young people always make. However, I suggest you just wait this out. And with the group project, be diligent and do your part, but also give her space. Maybe after that you can try again. Be Brave.
I'm guessing she probably didn't like you in the first place anyways. The drunk message surely lowered your chances after that.
Either man up to your actions and say "hey, about the other time, I wanted to apologize. There was no excuse for me to act that way, drunk or sober". If that doesn't work, back off and learn from it.
Forget girls OP. Men are superior, go for one of them.
Patience is a virtue. Sometimes when you pursue something too much, it pushes it farther away.
Give it time.
Just focus on the project at hand. If its brought up, apologize and move on. Nothing can be done about the past, and nothing good comes from worrying about it.
Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 3/16/2013 3:29:07 AMShe wasn't interested in the first place, find a new girl. What you should text her: "I'm sorry, I think we should just start over. When are you available to meet to work on our project?" Or something like that.
You should have moved on a long time ago. It's not worth the time and effort. Just move on.
You need to back off. That is the only thing you can do. Just back off and give her space.
[quote]Flood, how do I repair things with this girl?[/quote]Not sure that you can. TBH you -blam!-ed up pretty badly. You seem to be aware of it, though, which puts you miles ahead of so many other people that get themselves in similar situations. The best thing you can do is to avoid this girl. She wants you to stay away, so stay away. Don't worsen the damage. You may also want to look into not "kind of getting drunk" in the future, since you're obviously not able to behave even the least bit responsibly when you do.
[quote]Fast forward a few days, she says I made her uncomfortable, and not to text her about this again. Being a desperate idiot who doesn't know when to stop, I call her, find her on facebook, and message her on there.[/quote] Pretend to ignore her while in the group, girls love being ignored.
Duct tape.
What was her reason for not going the first time?
You're going to piss off the Librarian.
You are asking us? YOU are the DIDACT!