im trying to do the rational zero theorem. I cant figure it out. I tried googling it, but I came out empty handed and still not knowing of what to do.
heres an example: f(x)=x^3-14x^2-14x-8
I have to find all possible rational zeros
Jack I'm going to tell you the 2 biggest secrets to passing all math classes: 1). the Youtuber: PatrickJMt He's a math teacher who makes great YouTube videos on just about every topic in math. Search in youtube what youre learnign then add his anme and surely you will find the best tutorial. he is better than an actual teacher. 2). Its a computational search engine that pretty much solves all your math problems. enter in your function/problem and type in what you need (zero's etc). and it will solve it for you. While its good to learn math by practice i only use Wolframalpha for the problems i know hwo to solve but are very tedious. with these 2 things you can learn any math topic and complete any math homework you have in the future. These things helped me learn calculus and is currently helping me in multi-variable calculus. they are great tools.