Are you horrified? Do you want to look away?
There was just an ad on TV for a program about a burn victim, missing a large part of her nose. I... am quite freaked out by such things. Why wouldn't I be? I'd never say that to the person, of course, and I don't feel good about not wanting to look at them. But I just don't want to.
I assume I'm not the only one who feels that way. I don't encourage people to shun burn victims or otherwise scarred or malformed people, I just wanted to share how I feel. =/
Edited by Spooter: 3/20/2013 12:53:27 PMIf I were to sit down and talk to her, I would of course be curious, maybe I'd ask about what happened if she didn't mind... but would I be disgusted, freak out, horrified? Not at all. Appearances are just that, appearances. I'm just very accepting and courteous to people with really any physical or mental (such as retardation, memory loss, etc.) features/disabilities.