Are you horrified? Do you want to look away?
There was just an ad on TV for a program about a burn victim, missing a large part of her nose. I... am quite freaked out by such things. Why wouldn't I be? I'd never say that to the person, of course, and I don't feel good about not wanting to look at them. But I just don't want to.
I assume I'm not the only one who feels that way. I don't encourage people to shun burn victims or otherwise scarred or malformed people, I just wanted to share how I feel. =/
To all the people claiming not to care at all, bullshit. I am not trying to be horrible to the person, and of course if I met them I would not tell them how I feel, but it is an evolutionary response. I'm not saying I want to be freaked out, but it would definitely be the case, and it would be for pretty much the rest of you. Stop trying to look a better person on the Internet.