originally posted in:Destiny
Personally i believe aim assist are a bad thing in the fps genre specially in competitive multiplayer , i like to do everything myself and aim assist is a system that makes it unfair on the players that work hard to be good and give a unfair advantage to the "not so good players" , for the reasons above id like to see this things out of destiny , for the ones that share my opinion comment and hope Bungie listens to us...
I want a option on or of and then split the server like gta please.
Can't tell you how many times aim assist has actually made me miss a shot. Plus its annoying sniping a group, and someone runs in front of your aim and throws it all off. Honestly I'd love to see an on and off option in the control section of option added. Cause honestly aim assist doesn't help so heavily that someone with it off will lose to someone with it on.
Yes- it is annoying.
Aiming with a controller stick is a lot harder than aiming with a mouse. And I've used both.
No. People need aim assist because unless your playing on pc pulling off headshots will be EXTREAMLY hard because you dont have preside accuracy
I brought it up in the beta. People have said there is little to no aim assist. I've been playing FPS for quite some time and I immediately noticed how strong it was when I first played the beta. That's how you usually die most of the time in the crucible.
I agree because this adds a level of skill and difficulty to a game, and that is what I want to see out of Destiny, a fun game that takes skill.
So your trying to say that because YOU have a good aim other players are going to lose because, by no fault of there own, they are bad at aiming! Stupid idiot.
What you don't understand is that aim assist merely is there to help nudge the controller in the right direction so you don't over throttle the joystick and swing past the target. for games that are multiplatform i suggest eventually destiny would come to PC... these games that are PC and console games what they do is have aim assist on the consoles as an option, and they disable aim assist on the PC version. so in other words if aim assist bothers you so much, im sure you can disable it if you want to. as well as just wait for the PC version and play that. it doesn't really give you a terrible advantage as much as it evens the playing field of a huge dissadvantage console FPS has, and that disadvantage is precision.
I m not noticing any aim assist...
Edited by Vader_000: 9/17/2014 12:06:23 AMThe sad fact is, Bungie and Activision's ultimate goal is to make money, and that is simply business. Destiny will not do well if you only cater to the veteran, well experienced players that don't play with aim assist (myself not included). Destiny has to cater to the casual crowd as well, and aim assist is necessary to do so. [spoiler]Just realized this was posted last year *facepalm. But the point still stands[/spoiler]
No aim assist with throwing knives
Agreed. I really don't see why we still have aim assist in games, yet people call themselves a "beast"...lol! Please take out the easy mode aim assist?
The aim assist in this game just seems to potent. God forbid if an enemy walks across my reticle while I'm aiming at an enemy in the background. It always throws me off because it quickly tracks the wrong enemy. Tone it down a bit Bungie or better yet turn it off.
Only thing that needs aim assist is my toilet ya feel me
All these forum necromancers lately... Anyway what a lot of people don't understand is games like Halo 1 didn't need vast aim assist because there was no lag between players on the same consoles/system linked consoles. Aim assist becomes more important on games that have an online component because there can be quite a bit of lag between consoles online. It's typically not an issue on PCs because the mouse is easier to aim with (takes far lest skill to point and click) and online games are often server hosted instead of peer 2 peer.
Edited by Ezimatana: 11/22/2013 8:47:38 PMTry playing Defiance MMO Matchmaking on xbox. Then tell me if no aim assist is really a good idea. It's seriously terrible. You have no idea how inaccurate the controller precision aiming is without aim assist. Want to know what happened as a result of no aim assist? Everyone in that multiplayer game uses shotguns and infectors (the equivalent to the needler in halo) Sniping is a dead-end and impossible, literally near impossible, assault rifles, LMGs and SMGs are NEVER used to get kills, and pistols are altogether completely neglected. What's worse is that the people who play the game use the fact there isn't aim assist to their advantage, they will strafe and bunny hop everywhere so even have you an LMG it's -blam!-ing impossible to keep up with them hip firing a shotgun or autoaim weapon while strafing. You seriously have no idea what no aim assist is like on controllers, if you don't have any games that have no aim assist, go play Halo 1 or any PC game with an xbox controller. It's possible, just plug it up to the USB. Typically PC games don't have aim assist because the mouse is very accurate.
Destiny is not primarily a competetive multiplayer game. And seeing as it's on a console, at least some amount of aim assist is nessecary, ESPECIALLY given that they're trying to make this game attractive to everyone - not just the "hardcore" players (I use quotes there, because they're self-defined, and not what I'd define them as.). It also does not give an unfair advantage to bad players, because it affects everyone equally. I'd agree if it was scaled aim assist, where the better you were the less assist you got. I don't want my gaming (nor my aiming) to be a chore. It should be fluid and helpful. It shouldn't be hard to aim - even for a casual player.
Aim assist to me is basically a cheat. When someone's close and you press the ADS trigger then the gun is going to snap to the target which isn't right.
>implying console kiddies can survive without aim assist Controllers suck ass for precision bro.
I think aim assist may be a good addition to single player mode but for competitive matchmaking it should be out of the question
Reasons why assault rifles are so good at doing everything in BF4: ^^^^^^
There's more to being good than not needing aim assist.
u now u can just turn it off
Have fun. Just don't plan on using anything that requires precision.
Aim assist only sucjs when people walk in front of each other