Personally, as a Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii owner, I am Really leaning towards Ps4. As Im tired of Paying for Xbox Live.
Of course I Loved Ps3's Free online but having its online features as i wanted (Friends, Party Chat, etc). Plus with my school friends all using Xbox, I decided to stay with Xbox. But the MAIN Reason i stayed with the 360 was because of Bungie's Halo series. But now that Bungie has gone Multi-Platform (and now that 343 is ruining Halo) again along with Destiny Receiving exclusive content for the Ps4. I am aiming to get a PlayStation 4 UNLESS Microsoft will surprise me with the Features the Next Xbox and exclusive IP's for it during the April Announcement.
S.N - Steambox is a Given (;
So Enough About My Rant,
What Next-Gen Console (or PC, Doesn't Matter) WOULD You Choose? State Your Reasons Why. . .
Well I already own a Wii U (Can't wait for Wind Waker remake), and I'll probably get the console my friend's get. Most likely it will be the next Xbox, but we all agree that no one will buy the console until a decent library of games are available for it.