I just came back from a mission. A mission few would accept and few would qualify for. My mission was... To take out the... trash.
I was living life in a normal way only to discover my trash would not fit in the trash can. After examining the problem I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't fit because it was full. With the gentleness of an EOD team, I carefully removed the latex scented bag from its plastic container only to find a large pool of coffee at the bottom of my trash can. I decided to task my brother with the secondary objective while I moved on to the main goal.
After exiting my house I soon found the bag had a small hole in it that was slowly increasing in size. I knew then I had to complete my mission and I couldn't return to base. About half way down my war torn drive way I came under fire. My oak tree began dropping high explosive leaves and acorns on me. I ran and took cover behind the bambo stallks and waited for my fire mission to cease the actions of this geurrilla group. The bag was riping the leaves, were falling, I had to complete my mission.
I began to sprint down my drive way only to meet resistance from my tree's chemical weapon. The pollen was harsh on me but I pressed onwards. Reaching my goal I threw open the lid of my garbage, and tossed the warhead inside. The second it hit the bottom the bag burst.
It was a close shave.
So Flood, how was y'alls day?
TL;DR? I executed a dangerous mission of taking out the trash with military percision.
Edited by Hargbeast: 3/22/2013 1:54:52 PM_______ \ / \ / (#1) EDIT: BAD ASCII MEDAL IS BAD