Hey guys,
It has certaintly bin a while since i posted. The last time i remember was when Bungie.net was still Bungie.net and not Bungie.Next.
I would always post in the Flood to ask for opinions on one of my new songs, and this time will be no different. This track took me a lot of hard work so i really hope you guys enjoy it!
The song is highly inspired by Mord Fustang, Prototype Raptor and Feed Me. I took me 2 months of On and Off work, submerging the little inspiration i had left, into this new track of mine.
I present to you:
[url=https://soundcloud.com/bayslick/tokyo-dinner-original-mix]Bayslick - Tokyo Dinner[/url]
If you are interested in downloading the track, you can do so, by going to the Soundcloud page and click the little arrow button.
And don't worry, it's FREE :D.
EDIT: Just a random snippet i just uploaded:
Just saw this on your facebook page. Nice! :D