I wanted to get your opinions on the subject. How do you feel about playing a female in a game? Does it turn you off from the game? Do you feel that feel that female protagonists need to be more prevalent?
So give your 10 cents on the topic.
Given the choice i always play as a female. It's not for a sexual reason it just feels better playing as a female for me.
If its a good game I could care less what I play as. Also good character development is nice. Hell if they made me play as a rock and that rock had a good story behind it and developed well I would play as a rock then.
I play female characters in every game that has the option to do so >.>
I don't see them any differently than male protagonists. When I played Portal, I never thought, "This would be better if Chell had a wang." I just thought it was a good game. Even my Commander Shepard is female (and black, too), I just felt it seemed fitting.
Edited by Xplode441: 3/26/2013 2:58:52 AMI never understood why women not being a major character is a problem for feminists groups. I don't care if I'm playing Call of Duty and my character is a female and I'm a male because I'm not involved in the story, I'm involved in the gameplay which is something that games like Call of Duty are supposed to do. I don't see the point of a game like Call of Duty to be for the player to connect to the main character and project themselves as the main character. Really it's just sit back, enjoy the cutscenes and then get back to shooting people. More of an interactive movie than an immersive gaming experience. Games like Mass Effect which you're supposed to be really involved in your character and you're supposed to project yourself as the character generally do have male and female main character choices. I think that complaining that you can't connect to the main character just because they're of the different sex would be just as silly as saying that you can't connect to the main character just because they're a robot.
I borrowed a Wii from my cousin and I've been playing Metroid Prime 3. It's awesome playing as Samus
I definitely do not condone playing a female as a main protagonist. Having a male character just fits the role 10x better, especially when it comes to action games and the such.
Guys tend to be more of the badasses. For example, Siegfried swings a giant ass sword like it is nothing. Then, you have Pyrrha who screams "I'm sorry!" every time she attacks.
As long as they're hot as -blam!- with large breasts and little clothing, I'm down.
Id rather not play as a female character if it gives me the option. But I don't mind a main protagonist female. If that how the game is being made, then Ill play it.
Given the choice between male or female, I'll generally pick male. It helps with immersion when I play as the sex I am. I have nothing against playing as a female character though.
I like strong female characters, and I am glad that the industry is straying away from the damsel in distress trope (mostly).
I'm starting to hate all these macho, feminist heroines now, at first when there was only one or two (Lara Croft, Joanna Dark) it was cool and refreshing but now they're just so goddamn annoying
If I'm forced to, I don't mind. I just hate when they give women unrealistic roles in anything (video games included).
Don't care either way.
I'm okay with it, but given the choice, male, simply because I am male.
When I play a game I like to roleplay my character. Therefore no, I would not like to play as a female. I also understand that women who play games may feel the same way as I do, therefore they might not like to play as a male. Thus, games should give you an option when appropriate. When not appropriate, I think the main character should be a male as most of the gaming market is comprised of males.
It matters how they are like If it's like FemShep I'm alright with this But if it's like the Borderland characters hell no
I like playing as a female character in RPG's, I enjoy staring at thier back much more than some burly guy's.
[i]As long as she has balls.[/i]
Well, as much as I like playing as a female, the male seems like the obvious stereotypical protagonist of nearly every story. So basically, gender choice games like Sky rim, being a male will somehow provide a better story, But NPCs...all day, every day. Cortana - 'nuff said.
I don't see anything wrong with it. If that was seriously the case, I don't think I would be able to play any of the Metroid games.
I really couldn't care which gender I play as in a game. If a female character is actually [b]a character[/b] and not just "the girl" then there's no reason for me to be bothered.
Depends. Loud obnoxious grunts and whines piss me off in a game, but I don't really mind. Especially Lilith in Borderlands.
If their a strong female character like in mirrors edge then it can be alot of fun. However if their the type who whines all the time and spend most of the time going "urghhhh eurrghhhhh urgh aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh *pant* *pant* *pant*" then it drives me insane. It's just like shut up, im trying to focus here and your grunting isn't helping.