What's the honest reason for it? I'm a bit disappointed.
Edited by Spawn: 3/26/2013 1:42:27 PMI asked the same question a couple days after the beta came out and this is what [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_You-can-only-follow-100-members/en-us/Forum/Post?id=5299327]Achronos mentioned:[/url] [quote][b]Posted by[/b]: Achronos There has to be some limit from a technical perspective, but the current limit is not a technical limitiation. For now, we picked a small limit because we don't want you to follow everyone. That makes following meaningless. We'll see how it plays out over time and adjust accordingly.[/quote] Keep in mind that was in January also, when we were in beta. Their line of thinking may have changed since then.