So I have a niece that's in custody of my aunt (no not that one Charlie). Now I don't see her much which is the problem. The reason I don't see her much is my fault. The reason I don't get close to her (or anyone really) is because I'm enlisting in the army next year and I plan to be in for a while.
I know kids get clingy, I remember when I was a kid I would cry for an hour anytime my sister left the house. I also know what it feels like to lose someone close (dad died when I was seven).
If I do get killed I would rather it effect as few people as possible. So my options are..
A. Don't get close that way she won't miss me.
B. get close have her miss me and possibly have serious mental effects on her if I get killed.
So which should I do? I want to be part of her life, but I don't want to have to worry about hurting her tremendously if something happens.
lol, it's only a niece it's not as if they'll remember and or care. It's not like kids haven't gotten over people dying. Believe it or not, it has happened before :O Actually, do whatever the -blam!- you want, I don't care. Just try and not get -blam!- in the army.