Why is Britain such a racist country?
It seems that the British in general much prefer the Polish to other non-white immigrants simply because of their white skin colour.
You often hear British people gushing about the Poles and saying how well they integrate and what hard workers they are.
I think British people like them simply because of their skin colour. They hate non-Europeans immigrants, however, because they're racist against anyone with a different skin colour.
The Polish in my view don't integrate to any greater extent than any other non-white immigrant group, so consequently the fact they are evidently more popular amongst the British people must ultimately be down to racism and their skin colour. They act like Indians and Pakis are the cause for all of England's main problems even though they are really hard workers...Makes me wonder if brits actually want to support the BNP. The majority of doctors in the UK are Indian...dunno why they blame it on them. They even hate the ones that are born here. Treating them like filth while treating themselves like kings. I'm not saying lots are but quite a few brits are and some are probably gonna argue with me...right now trying to justify this LOL. Lemme guess "Muslims terrorize our country bombing our houses"...even though they are just extremists ignoring the fact that Christians can be extremists too like the BNP and KKK.
Nuff said and just my 2 cents. Oh and BTW i'm British whether you believe it or not.
Are you racist?
If yes why?
Its actually not all of Britain. Just stupid skin-head gangs and politicians in and around London. That is literally the only area where it might be heavily racist.