We've all heard the complaints against bungie.next. I have to admit, however, that this new hotness has grown on me. I love some of the new features Bungie has given us.
Want to see every thread you've ever created? - Done!
Want to mute people who flame or ridicule you? - Done!
Want to customize your unique experience on b.net? - Done!
Want to view a list of your favorite users' activities? - Done!
Sure, there are a few things that I still want tweaked, but given the chance to go back to old b.net, I wouldn't do it.
So, I ask, what your favorite new features that Bungie has given us? Do you have any nice things to say about Bungie.next?
I like how the layout isn't too far from the Bungie.old layout, and I like the ability to mute people.