I was browsing CNN, and I came across this little gem..
""Under the cloak of the UNSC, the U.S. seeks to realize its aggressive purpose against the DPRK by threatening its right to existence as well as its sovereignty," the newspaper continued. "What is graver is the fact that the U.S. cooked up the resolution on sanction timing to coincide with the 'Key Resolve' and 'Foal Eagle' joint military exercises."
It seems that perhaps we are closer to the HALO universe then we imagined,
At least it's Koreans. Not Covenant. Yet.
Link to article: http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/11/world/asia/south-korea-military-exercises/index.html%3Fhpt%3Dhp_t1%26ei=Mg4-Ue_qJYSGxQLgiYHICg%26wsc=bf?iref=obinsite
Edited by DEZARATH: 3/29/2013 11:49:28 AMHAhahahaahahahahaah. Wait... Hahaahahahahaahah. Ah fandoms you're the best.