What are your choices, and why?
(A) For my primary weapon, I would choose either the 50 Cal or -- what appears to be -- the M-16. The sniper makes a lot of sense if you're typically pretty stationary (in a building or something), but it's not very practical if you're moving a lot or trying to get supplies. Just because I know how much easier it would be to obtain some sort of automatic rifle at a later point, I would initially choose the Barrett, simply because it would be better at fortifying your "shelter".
(D) My secondary weapon would definitely be the crossbow, since it technically has unlimited ammo. In a scenario where you couldn't find any ammo (which is a very real and probable possibility), all other weapons would be rendered useless. I would want something that I can rely on, time and time again.
(D) My melee weapon would either be the bat or the knife. I don't even know why they're allowing you to pick between something as silly as a chainsaw, and the sword would be much more difficult to carry and maintain. Overall, I think that the baseball bat would be the easiest to use and "maintain", but the knife seems like it would be small and easily mobilized. The only drawback with that is how close you would have to come into contact with the walkers in order to kill them. It would, however, have the most practical use outside of combat. In the end, the knife seems like it would have the most function.
(C) My gear would definitely be the rope. It seems like a stupid choice at first, but this specific rope looks extremely sturdy. Despite it taking a lot of strength, it would be very useful to climb up or use as a "bridge" across two buildings. Zombies definitely aren't going to be able to pull themselves up/across a rope, so a nice gap and a rope would offer an easy "moat".
(A) Despite how stupid it may seem to pick the tank, it would offer near-perfect protection against zombies, unless of course you were trapped. Just as we saw in the very first episode of The Walking Dead, the zombies had no way of making it into Rick's tank. But, with the tank's size comes its most obvious and grave drawback: It needs a lot of gas. All the other choices need gas, too, but they need much less. Ultimately, the cycle and boat offer virtually no protection, the boat can only be used on water, and the tank would shortly become immobile. The Hummer seems to be the only logical option (assuming you're not living out of your vehicle or traveling from shore to shore).
Not to be a buzzkill, but that stuff sucks. Almost all of those are awful choices. Those primary weapons are too cumbersome, loud, and impractical. The pistol and the crossbow are the only two decent ranged weapons. The katana requires years of training to use properly, a chainsaw is loud and requires gas, and the baseball bat will bend and/or break from frequent use rendering it useless. Most of the gear is useless by itself and the vehicles are all loud and require gas, making them a death sentence to use. That crap wouldn't get you out of even the most basic survival situation, let alone a post apocalyptic landscape populated by millions of infected people wanting to eat you.