originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
How often do you brush your teeth?
I [i]always [/i]forget to brush my teeth of a night time. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm always occupied with something else. So in most cases it's just in the morning and that's it. Should probably start doing twice a day though... I had to have a filling done a few weeks ago.
I always brush twice a day. I try to use mouthwash two times a day as well. I usually floss once a day.
On school days, once a day. In the holidays, like once every few days. I have a terrible memory and just forget about it
generally once or twice every 2 days.
At least once a day occasionally twice
Usually the morning and evening, but not night.
2-3 times a day. Use Listerine twice a day. and floss after every meal. Healthy Teeth Master Race.
Never I'm British.
Twice a day. Three if I'm going somewhere.
Holy crap the responses in this thread lol
Usually once a day. Teeth are conpletely healthy. And I have braces. Lol.
Twice a day, sometimes 3.
Twice a day every day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year
Not nearly often enough.
Twice a day, with mouth wash in the evenings.
Before I go to bed, and before I go out...sooo more than once per day usually...
Twice a day with my own homemade toothpaste to avoid fluoride, I also have clean water without fluoride I drink frequently.
Twice a day, sometimes I rinse with mouthwash at night... and yet my teeth aren't perfect either.
Once or twice a day.
Every morning.
Edited by DuskProphet: 4/1/2013 7:41:58 PMNever, Tiger man doesn't need to brush his teeth.
Almost always twice a day, although I do forget sometimes at night.
Twice a day, unless I'm going out for the evening or something, then I'd brush three times.
Twice a day. Three times if I have street meat for lunch.
At least once everyday. Mostly twice, but don't plan on going anywhere and just staying home, just one time.
I have braces so I have to brush 3 times a day. I usually do anyway an hour before I go out with friends, but that's about it.
Everybody should be brushing minimum twice a day, anything less is -blam!-ing disgusting. You should also brush a third time if you're going out.