This is actually a pretty good article on strategic benefit of legalizing gay marriage in the United States. Contrary to popular belief, American power doesn't derive solely from our hard power (military and economic strength), but rather from our soft power (diplomacy and attracting other countries to work with us). In the post-WW2 era, a good deal of countries decided to work with us because they thought it would be best for them. Especially since we took such a heavy anti-colonial stance. Moreover, they also viewed the U.S. model as providing the individual the most freedoms while retaining the power of the state.
[quote]Second, and perhaps more importantly, legalizing gay marriage would reinforce America's public commitment to individual liberty and freedom, and its parallel commitment to non-discrimination. More than anything else, that commitment is America's global brand. In this country, the government doesn't tell you where to live, doesn't tell you what job to pursue, doesn't tell you what God to worship, and doesn't tell you who to fall in love with. At the same time, the government also says that you should not discriminate against those who happen to be different from you in some way. Instead, you are supposed to treat them as individuals and to expect the same in return.[/quote]
Why something like gay marriage would be good for your foreign policy, you ask? Well, it would finally not make you look like you're running behind on other developed countries as much.