I have suddenly been intrigued by quantum physics simply because of wonder. I am totally ignorant to quantum physics and its concepts. I don't think my school offers it either. So I was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to explain the general concepts of quantum physics to me, like what it is, what is it used for, why use it, etc. It would be really appreciated.
Edited by realdomdom: 5/21/2013 7:20:03 PMQuantum physics or rather, the quantum theory is not comparable to other scientific theories in a sense, that it does not predict a certain outcome at a certain income, like typical theories do. Instead it gives you the probability for several events to happen, which is of course not very precise. In the beginning, Einstein even said, that the quantum theory lacks the traits of a proper theory, because it doesn't predict a certain outcome. Basically, the quantum theory says, that at a certain level of magnification of an object, the sub-atomic level, cause and effect are no longer linear, relatable. Instead, the effect may even seem to occur, before the actual cause. It also says, that even monitoring experiments on this level, will inevitably influence them, no matter what. Though, this does, of course, only apply for effects and occurences on the sub-atomic level. But they can have consequences in the larger world. In fact, quantum physics are mostly used for calculating very complex systems, like modern electronics or the research on protein folding, which could potentially help fight diseases like parkinson. They could even be used to predict the weather more precisely, but that would, amongst other things, require us to monitor every single water particle, which is in turn physically impossible. So, you see, quantum physics quite literally rule the world.
"If you think you understand quantum theory, then you don't understand quantum theory." - Richard Feynman
Nah.. I love hearing about it though. Watching documentaries and what not.
I have been interested in Quantum Physics for two years now, and have been researching Quantum Physics on my own time for the past two years as I find it very exhilarating. Quantum Physics is a rather unique topic. I see it being subject to the next major break throughs of science, as it already has/is. (others being relativity, Earth revolves around sun, etc.) Quantum Physics is defined as the study of Physics on the atomic scale and smaller, with that being said, it's amazing what Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics actually means and does. Quantum Physics is a very theoretical branch of Science in almost all cases; Things like Relativity, black holes, worm holes, teleportation, parallel universes, time travel, string theory, and much more can all be considered part of Quantum Physics. I will explain more Quantum Mechanics, which is pretty much Quantum Physics to begin with. The universe is full of infinite possibilities (at least how some of us view it). But what about those possibilities we didn't get to experience? No worry, as they are happening simultaneously in what you could call different quantum states (not going to get in depth). The universe lies on an every growing tree called the Quantum Matrix. This matrix forever grows with every possibility branching out from each other at an exponential rate. There is also that of String Theory, possibly one of the most famous theories to date. I don't know that much on this theory, as I just started reading a book on this theory. The theory basically states that there are 11 dimensions in our universe including time; we only experience 4 (the x,y,z axis, and you could say 't' for time). The theory also states that every thing (energy and matter) are intertwined with so called 'strings', as "everything has something to do with anything" (a little scientific motto I like to go by). A third topic I would like to briefly explain is Relativity. The famous equation created by our very own Albert Einstein, explains many things. The equation proves that matter and energy are the same thing, as they can be converted (lead to the Atomic Bomb). It explains for universal forces by inventing/discovering the Space Time Continuum and saying Space and Time is not Linear, but curved. With this it also has the widely believed theory that it is impossible to go the speed of light as long as you have mass (and you would lose mass if you go that fast/need no mass to go that fast. The faster you go time slows, etc.). Now as you see Quantum Physics is a fascinating subject, as it is amazingly true. One topic I did not mention in this is Quantum Entanglement, which is that every particle (atomic scale and lower) exists twice, simultaneously, until viewed upon by a couscous life form. This has been proven very true many times, however it is not known in the least bit how it even works. Einstein himself called it "Creepy Spooky Magic"... I couldn't agree more, HA! I sometimes view this as reaching the limits of the Universe! But the most believable, yet unbelievable is that it is because the universe is an addition to us, not us an addition to it. It is an incredible thing to grasp, for I have not met one person who believes it, I for one do believe that this universe is part of us, and is generated by us, this is partially how the possibilities of the quantum matrix is determined. There Is a lot more to this that I am tempted to explain, but I'm affraid I will get carried away, as I already have, any ways. This phenomenon of quantum entanglement could lead to teleportation, and has started quantum computing (an incredibly fast form of computers, yet very difficult to tame). I enjoyed sharing a general interpretation of Quantum Physics as I have spent countless hours researching the subject. Please reply that you have read this, I want to know if you read this, and leave a like, that's all I ask in Reply. Many thanks! I hope this helped gratefully. But I will leave you with this. A Quantum Physicist once said (not me, haha) "those that don't believe in Quantum Physics, does not understand Quantum Physics."
No, but I do have a theoretical degree in physics. I work at CERN, usually I have to press buttons, but nothing happens.
Vien has. That is how his species travels trough space-time.
nobody here has really studied it but most people here believe they have ie; Winy
I did a little on it in A-level physics, but I can honestly barely remember any of it. Most of the stuff concerning it goes way over my head.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fabric+of+the+cosmos&oq=fabric+&gs_l=youtube.3.1.0l10.973.7339.0.9779.]just click on one of these videos OP and enjoy[/url]
You are about to hear from the part of the flood that has an IQ of 145, and is very knowledgeable in the field of quantum physics.
Wasn't that a movie or something?
I'm with you. It's something I've always been interested in, but never fully looked into. I started reading some articles on it a few years back, but never finished them. Maybe I should go back and read them. Of course not as informational as any course I could have taken, but it's better than nothing.
general concepts of quantum physics Yeah.... no.
I've done a module on it as part of a-level physics. We can't really 'explain the general concepts' though. Just know that it's the physics of particle physics, if you will.
ive delved into it a bit, but im no expert on the matter