I have 9 followers! Yay I guess, how many do you have?
Well Jesus only had 12 so I guess 19 is ok.
24. If that's proportional to time on the site, the Burrito has been on for about 70 years.
Apparently 5. No idea how that works though, I've followed people and sense no difference.
3. I'm starting to get myself back into posting again. My habit of lurking tends to get the better of me.
Zero, because I don't post.
>mfw I have over 40
Edited by CntrlAltNate: 4/3/2013 2:01:00 AMI have two.
Edited by Arashi Sora: 4/3/2013 1:53:05 AM0 Anyone that tried to follow me had to go through a secret ancient ritual. None survived.
I have eight, which isn't too bad, but I have been here for quite some time. I'm just lurking from the shadows of my fish bowl.
I think I have like... 2. Maybe.
I'm not sure, but I [i]think[/i] I have the most of any non-Bungie Employee. Maybe I should turn into making my posts youtube style. 'Join the Ritos! Let's reach 200 Ritos!'
None i crie evry teim
ITT: People trying to be subtle in their pleas for pity and follows.
I have a follower for every year I've been on bungie.net.
3. Wow I suck. Bnet follower count means nothing. Let's tally Tumblr followers; then we'll talk.
7. Not that I care. I'm not going to follow anybody, and I don't want to be followed, nor am I worth following.
Edited by Deus: 4/2/2013 10:08:16 PMSeems like older members get the most followers. Which is expected. I don't even notice the people with a ton of followers.
I just realized I have no Idea where the vote button is now.
I have one. GOML.
mm 0 followers ho babeh
I wonder if someone could create a database that kept track of how many followers each user had, and listed them in order from greatest to least. Popularity contents all around.
6 I don't even know why I have that many.
9, though I had 10 at one point. Clearly I'm 2edgy4u.
Apparently four.