I have 9 followers! Yay I guess, how many do you have?
Edited by Green Twister: 4/2/2013 3:22:54 PM3 , why u not follow me breh yolo swag
I've only got one, and it better stay that way. I'm not a big fan of this following stuff, and personally, I'd like a way to disable it.
None. I'm okay with this.
Edited by RighteousTyrant: 4/2/2013 2:40:30 PMStrange how no one seems to have 50-100. *posts, checks followers numbers, adjusts votes, edits post* Never mind.
I need 1 more for 40. So tantalizingly close..
Four. Every week we get together and have cookies, we also discuss our life issues and have a word for the week. This weeks it's thorax. We also get nicknames, mine is 'Sugar-McPimp-Daddy'.
*cries in the corner*
Far more interesting than the number of followers, I'd love to write a script that applies a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PageRank]PageRank Algorithm[/url] to Bungie.net, where users are treated like webpages and follows are treated like incoming links to that website. Achronos, where are those Bungie.next APIs? :)
I have four followers. I have no idea why 75% of them are there.
Too many. I don't know if it's good or bad.
More than 100.
5 On this 25 on my main
I can't tell you that! It's against follower and followee confidentially agreement!
15 because of my threads about Destiny during the releases...
1. It's a private club.
Edited by Raptor: 4/2/2013 4:32:34 AM43... >.> <.<
I think I have 11. only had like 6 or 7 until that party thread.
I have one and I'm also following that one person, because I felt it would be rude if I didn't. Otherwise I don't really care about followers at all. What are they even for?
I have four followers and I think I may have only seen one of them on here ever.
I got like 7 right away when the sight updated, and i'm pretty sure absolutely none since then :P
I have only 1 :(
I have six i think.
i only have 1 follower :(
Edited by Plasma Eagle: 4/2/2013 4:13:11 AM7 people either think I'm cool or are looking for follows.
I'm Stosh? Shit.