One thing I've noticed as I get older is that the girls and people in general at my school become more and more militant feminist/progressive.
I'm going to be honest. I don't believe gays should marry because of my religious convictions; nothing against them at all just doing what my book says. I also think that the modern American femenist movement, while a good idea and with some good goals, has become very long winded and tired and exaggerated to the point where they sound like they are under some sort of tyrannical oppression and are facing total persecution.
In school however, I've been pretending to sympathize with them and humor them when they talk about how opressed they are. Not in a white knight pussy suck up kinda way, but more like "Yeah I really hate how you are forced to follow gender roles. [i]Thats uncool man.[/i]"
Am I a liar? Or am I justified?
I learned that there is no way to disagree with females without getting them angry.
No, as I'm not an idiot and realise that the majority of feminists don't subscribe to the radical school of thought.