It's official, Finding Dory will be released November 2015.
how would you feel about a sequel to Finding Nemo? It's not really one of my favorite Pixar movies so I'd probably give it a miss until DVD.
Who knows, maybe it might be good? :3
I bet part three will be named "Finding Jesus"
I thought they were working on this VVVV
Lol Disney.
Ugh. Needless to say, I will not be watching this.
For the love of god! Can anyone in hollywood come up with an original idea?!
Just keep swimming just keep swimming just keep swimming
Sounds good! I loved the original a lot.
It's all true guys. This is NOT a joke. I'm so excited!
I liked Finding Nemo a lot, so this is cool for me. If any Pixar film needs a sequel though, it's The Incredibles.
when is the prequel coming
Well it's better than a sequel where Nemo finds himself.
Oh yeah. Cant wait to see it
Edited by RighteousTyrant: 4/2/2013 4:32:53 PM[quote]in 205.[/quote][url=]Not sure if clever reference or just typo.[/url]
Edited by Icy Wind: 4/2/2013 4:25:49 PMIt's real. Disney's Facebook page confirmed it today, with a November 2015 release. [url=]Confirmation[/url] I am so freaking stoked. I loved the first movie, and it's Ellen.
When did Ellen say this?
Edited by Spartan Ken 15: 4/2/2013 4:17:01 PMtroll? April fools?
April two!