I can see this being a problem.
Since the mute/report/hide buttons are in each post, that is what any/all members will be reporting/hiding/muting. The post that they considered undesirable. And that post is directly linked to the account who posted it. Imagine a thread with two Achilles1108. It's happened. Two people, same names. One of them is a "good guy" the other is a jerk. If I see a post that makes me think, "man, that is a real jerk the person who made that post" and I report them? The other Achilles can't be "hit" by mistake. If I later decide to mute one of the Achilles based on a terribly ass munching post that was made, when I mute from that post of theirs, I am muting the person/account who made that post. No one is in danger of being mistakenly hit. Because reports/hides/mutes are linked to post and account. Displayed names are as significant as avatars. Some people around here change them as often as the Kardassians change clothes, spouses and their minds. But their posts are what can be judged, are what can be hidden, muted or reported. No one is "at risk" of being banned due to the "misdeeds of an impersonator".