EDIT: I closed Chrome, then re-opened it, and everything works fine now. Thanks for help.
Whenever I try to use to search functionality in the adress bar, I get [url=https://www.google.com/search?q=bungie+&rlz=1C1TSNP_enUS464US464&aq=f&oq=bungie+&aqs=chrome.0.57j65j60j65l2j60.1435j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8]this[/url]. Anyone else having this problem, or know how to fix it?
Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 4/5/2013 9:54:02 PMWhat exactly is the problem...? It always shows search results for Bungie, no matter what you actually search for? We may be seeing different things; I see proper search results, but I'm assuming you see a page saying the results couldn't be found? I had the same problem for a couple days last week, but it cleared up on its own. Type in: chrome://chrome/ and see if it says your version is up to date.
Probably just slow from Google uploading all your information to advertising companies
My Chrome just double-spaced the bookmark dropdown menus. Lame.