Dear Bungie,
I write to you, in the midst of a dark time.
I, like many of my brethren, were avid forum-goers during a time when the armor permutation referred to as 'recon' was an extreme rarity.
I remember member after member, joining the discussion in a dire attempt to attain the aforementioned armor; but alas, their cries were never heard... Not until we outlasted the silence itself that is.
You see, while your company may resemble an exotic nut, with a shell so tough to crack it yields enough strength to crack pure steel. You fail to realize that we prevailed once... and we will taste your savory core once again.
The community can be just as strong and determined, when we band together under a single cause.
And so it is for this reason I write to you... to warn you:
We [i]will[/i] have our way once more.
We [i]will[/i] haz Tiger-men.
I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who wants Tigerman in the game