Do you watch it or have you watched it?
Whats your favourite game? Mines moving people and sound effects when they have the audience do the sounds.
Also a new American series is being aired this summer with the original cast except without Drew Cary. Can't wait to see it.
I have watched through 7 seasons so far on Youtube and planning to watch the British version afterwards.
OFFICIAL WHOSE LINE GAME POWER RANKINGS [quote][b]God Tier:[/b] Scenes from a Hat. Greatest hits. Hoedown.[/quote] [quote][b]Great tier:[/b] Party Quirks. Dating Game. Irish Drinking Song. Three Headed Broadway Star. Narrate. Questions Only.[/quote] [quote][b]Good tier:[/b] Sound Effects. Song Styles. Helping Hand. Let's Make a Date. Unlikely Superhero. Weird Newscasters. Newsflash. Props. Film and Theater styles. Song Titles.[/quote] [quote][b]Okay tier:[/b] World's Worst. Whose Line. Film Dub. Alphabet. Director. Foreign Film Dub.[/quote] [quote][b]Don't Get Played Much for a Reason tier:[/b] African Chant. Motown Group. Press Conference. Talk Show. Moving People. Scene to Rap.[/quote] OFFICIAL GUEST IMPROVER POWER RANKINGS [quote]1. Greg Proops 2. Chip Estin 3. Robin Williams 4. Brad Sherwood 5. Jeff Davis 6. Kathy Greenwood[/quote]