Well many of you already know my choices (see above. only if I were either their size or vice versa.). Also, [url=http://media.dcentertainment.com/sites/default/files/character_bio_576_harleyquinn3_0.jpg]Harley Quinn[/url], [url=http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130109112139/avatar/images/1/12/Azula.png]Azula[/url], and [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100920215510/avatar/de/images/d/d3/Ty_Lee_1.png]Ty Lee[/url]
NOTE:This thread only applies with the assumption that they would be real. Don't be hatin just cause they're animated. Said things can be sexual or otherwise. It doesn't matter.
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