I have been searching arguments all day on both sides and I don't know if these sites are biased or not, but all the arguments for veganism are really well established, while the ones against are retarded. One website gave a bunch of good reasons why you should be a vegan, and then one of the arguments against it was "it's too expensive." Other arguments against it on that website are just as retarded. I personally eat meat but with all the arguments I have seen I believe I should cease to eat meat (but I have yet to discover an unbiased source). The human teeth are made similar to other herbivores, they are more rigid and less sharp and made for eating plant matter. Carnivores have sharper teeth, made for tearing away meat from the bone, and also have a short viscera that gets rid of the bacteria a lot of meat has, while humans have a long viscera, made for digesting the plants slowly while taking out nutrients and other healthy things for the body. It seems as if the human body is designed to be a herbivore from the arguments I have read.
Although I have been on a lot of biased websites, it seems as if the human body is made for eating plants and not meat. We can still receive protein in the form of many substitutes.
Thoughts? Discuss! I found some of this really interesting. Also, is pain in animals subjective?
meat tastes good. That's that.