This thread is inspired by another: view original post
Discuss the benefits of not spanking.
The only reason this thread was made was to stop the parody chain. In that I was relatively successful. Twenty six dollars and thirty two cents that somebody is going to make another one just because I said this.
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how many parodies are there? [spoiler]necro[/spoiler]
Bump inc
Edited by TrussingDoor: 4/9/2013 2:36:01 AM
Started a new topic: You should spank people who advocate not spanking.(7 Replies))
I think spanking belongs in the bedroom, but hey, that's just my opinion.
Edited by Pfhortnite: 4/9/2013 7:15:22 PMCould I spank their hand with my hand when they do good?
Spank me OP, I have been a naughty Sangheili...
No, it isn't bad. it's making them fear doing things that are wrong because they know it'll end up badly for them. the little shits now know that there's nothing to fear from their parents because they know that all the parent's going to do is say "no, don't do that" and leave them alone after that. This generation is full of brats and idiots who don't know right from wrong because they were never actually punished as a child and never learned those crucial rules that tell them that beating another kid until he's bleeding just because he doesn't agree with you is wrong, along with stealing being bad, look both ways, and that helping others is the right thing. this, my friends is the death of real parenthood and actual authority over your children, and I am fearful of the next couple generations because a few "Specialists" who've never actually dealt with parenting say spanking and teaching your kid fear of doing the wrong thing is "Abuse."
Edited by Gaara444: 4/9/2013 2:27:25 AMHey look! I can post internet articles undermining other peoples views also!
Because Dr. Sears sounds like a reputable source.