I highly recommend this game to anyone interested in a First Person Survival Game. It is a great game and highly underrated. It is my favorite zombie game so far. The scavenge system is really good although it could use more items for food. As for the combat, it's the best I've seen in any Zombie game so far. Aim for the head mechanic works perfectly well and each player may have their own style in weapon choice. Personally I prefer blunt Melee weapons and avoid using guns as to not alert zombies.
As expected the Crossbow is the best weapon in the game. It is an overall great gameplay experience that simulates the Zombie Apocalypse very well. As for things that could be better.
Co-Op. They should have taken their time and done co-op. I like how the story turned out but with the use of survivors there was still the possibility to maintain the story and have Co-op.
Herd Mode, great idea that they sadly didn't feel like fully supporting. It works great as it is, but is only available through preorder bonus, so it isn't in all games, even though it could be. Co-op in Herd mode in the default game would give it much more replay value.
My only other complaint is that you have 2 health items. They make sense, but it would be nice to see more. Everything else was pretty much spot on as I expected it. A great First Person Zombie Survival Game.
PS. Zombies act perfect, grappling is a great feature.