originally posted in:Destiny
does anyone know if we will be able to personally fly our ships or if it would be like a cutscene?
Halo Reach's space level was clearly a test of spaceship combat. I'd say you'll see a little bit of both. Some distances will just be too far to travel without a cutscene. Say Venus to Saturn. Then im sure when in certain proximity to a destination you'll be in control.
I hope you could personally fly your ships, but I am sure that there are some places that you will not be able to
I would like both a cutscene and being able to fly my own. For example when i get in my ship i should be ably to press a buttun to fast traver me to a planet or just fly there myself
they said that they will but that might change.
I'm pretty sure you'd be able to fly your ships, if you could customize it there is no point having a cut scene on a cool looking spaceship.
I've heard in a video, think it was Giant Bombs Jeff who one morning after meeting Bungie sat down and talked about the press meeting and the first look, that space travel would be more than just a cutscene. But as I said, I dont remember entirely so do not take this as a reliable source of information. I seriously hope they will do more with spacetravel than just a cutscene between planets.