[quote]Microsoft has pushed the launch of the new Xbox back to next month, according to "sources familiar with Microsoft's Xbox plans" quoted by The Verge.
The software behemoth had reportedly been planning an event later this month to unveil its next-generation games console. This has been shunted to 21 May, according to the report, but no reason for the shift was given -- if the April date was ever even accurate.[/quote]
Anyone else think Microsoft may have gotten cold-feet after the Adam Orth incident; pushed the date back to let the dust settle a little bit before the reveal? That or they could have always intended to reveal it in May, and April was just speculation of us gamers being preemptively hopeful.
Either way, there is tons of drama surround the new Xbox at the moment, and none of which sounds particularly good. I have a strong feeling that they did push the launch into May to relieve some of that bad vibe that resurfaced again. Thoughts?
I'm kind of agreeing with most of the people here in xbox vs playstation. In my opinion, the 360 is superior to the ps3 easily, however I'm leaning towards the new playstation instead. Playstation 4 is looking pretty good coming up, especially after going to the devs of games and asking for help in building their next system to be overall better. The xbox from what I've been hearing is going to be more family geared and not really upgraded in power or graphics. Also from what I hear neither are backwards compatible. Now yes these are mostly rumors, but nonetheless microsoft refuses to debunk rumors at all no matter how outlandish they may be. Even the ones like you cannot play a preowned game on their system. You could probably spread a rumor saying it is part toaster and they wouldn't deny it. Now they "may" have pushed back their date? This is simply terrible, I have no faith in the new system at this point and will be massively surprised if they can pull this off and actually rival sony again.