Seriously, the internet is killing me with my hobbies.
"Boy I sure can't wait to watch Anime today!"
Five minutes later I'm browsing /a/.
"Boy I sure can't wait to play video games today!"
Five minutes later I'm browsing /v/.
"Boy I sure can't wait to watch the news today!"
Five minutes later I'm browsing /pol/.
"Boy I sure can't wait to do something productive with my time today!"
Five minutes later I'm browsing
Does anyone else have this problem?
Internet Master Race!?
Yeah, but it's mainly /sp/ for me.
[quote]"Boy I sure can't wait to do something productive with my time today!" Five minutes later I'm browsing [/quote]/my life
You cannot delay the inevitable. We are the harbinger of your perfection.
Yes, but its /co/ /vg/ and /co/ for me.