originally posted in:Community Carnage
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Please vote on the day that is most convenient for you. After that, please PLEASE [b]PLEASE[/b] leave a comment saying what time is best for you. That time should be in GMT. If you are confused about what your best time would be in GMT, a time zone converter can be found [url=http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc]here[/url].
This is so those of us here at the Community Carnage can better gage when to hold Carnages in the long run. Thank you for your participation, and see you on the Battlefield.
Most of Saturday and Sunday would work for me, but Sunday is the better option, as I could make myself available at anytime. Saturday, I'm usually busy in the morning PST, so anytime in evening GMT would work.