I remember having a hell of a time playing the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer demo, and what specifically caught my attention was the way currency was handled in that multiplayer.
Rather than spending virtual coins to gain permanent bonuses, you were able to buy temporary bonuses and equipment that you can take into your next few battles. Like, say you earned 15spacemoneys from your last adventure. You could spend 10 of that and take special ice-bullets into your next battle. Or, you could save up and spend 20spacemoneys on a rocket launcher or a health pack made for emergency situations. [u]And you could keep those bonuses until you had to use them.[/u]
I really loved this way of handling in-game currency. I mean, if single-player games made you spend in-game currency on temporary bonuses, why wouldn't multiplayer be treated the same way?
It's a bit like Dust 514. Your money goes to drop suits that represent 1 spawn/battle, that make you more powerful. Same applies for weapons, ammunition and vehicles.