This thread was inspired by one over in the 343 forums.
When you just keep getting killed, you lose, you get beaten by somebody better than you, what do you do?
Do you rage, yell into the mic and throw the controller each time you die? Do you send the enemy team an angry message, written out carefully explaining how much you hate them?
[b]Do you stop playing and give up, blaming the game for your loss?[/b]
[i][b]Or do you accept that you did bad and you got owned, blame yourself, learn from your mistakes, and try again, determined to get better and trying not to repeat your mistakes from the last game?[/b][/i]
I'm pretty sure the fact that most players do not do the last example is the reason many competitive games have been reduced to "accessible" piles of casual randomness.
Scream at the top of my voice and throw inexpensive objects around the room, scraping the paint from the walls with my fingernails and chanting satanic extracts, before insulting the person's mother and tearing open a box of tissues and shredding it into confetti, then throwing it up in the air and dancing around singing Resurrection by Chimaira.
Tell me how that feels since I haven't been "owned" in forever. Though in the off chance it does happen I take it as a learning experience. If someone is better than you or if the odds are not in your favor to the point where there is no hope in winning take it as a chance to get better. Though unfortunately most people nowadays just quit because they are the definition of terrible.
1. I just move to a different area of the game. 2. I get some experience to get better. 3. I take a break. I come back later refreshed and better than before.
Edited by ZealotSG: 4/23/2013 3:02:08 AMCampaign: *rages over AI* Firefight: I accept any failures, unless they are lag related Campaign Co-op: I accept any failures, unless they are lag related Spartan Ops: *rages over numerous implementations* MP: Well damn, next time I'll change my strategy or change my role As a man of AI, I have every right to complain about their incompetence.
I accept my failure.
Edited by sims3k: 4/22/2013 4:05:57 PMI blame the game (usually lag) then go on a mission to find the person who beat me and kill them over and over again, then i teabag their body. I dont stop playing and give up though.
"Eh, there's always next game."
Edited by Spawn: 4/22/2013 4:05:51 PMI laugh and move on. Then I laugh at the messages that people send me because I "didn't respond the way they wanted me too". But most of all, I don't respond to the messages because I know that irritates them even more.
[quote]Or do you accept that you did bad and you got owned, blame yourself, learn from your mistakes, and try again, determined to get better and trying not to repeat your mistakes from the last game?[/quote] Not every time. I'll be the first to admit I can let my emotions get in the way of my play sometimes. Everyone does at one time or another. I, however, always try to take a loss objectively. Grace in defeat is more becoming than rage. Often teaches you more too.
I just quit and find a new game, or stop playing. I still realize that it's my fault for doing bad, though.
I can handle a couple losses, but I will rage a bit if I don't get a single victory the entire time I play. I'll usually just ignore people, unless I see they are simply destroying everyone on my team, exploiting something, or are playing in a way that looks like they're outright cheating. Then I'll avoid and/or file a complaint, and then play something else to forget about it.
Edited by MongotheDread: 4/22/2013 1:13:35 PMWhenever I get out done by anybody, I immediately go on the hunt for that person. I take the very tactics they used to kill me and turn them against them. I've never been in a game where someone was able to continously beat me throughout a game. A whole team, yeah, but never just one person. I have no real preference about whether I win or lose, as long as I did my best and it was a fun match. Some of my best memories are from matches that I, and my team, lost.
[quote]You get beaten by somebody better than you[/quote] In that case no, if they've genuiely done better than me. I do sometimes get irritated by overpowered AI opponents though.
More the second, but still not entirely. It's also important to acknowledge what your opponent [i]did right[/i]. Just as important as being aware of your own mistakes is realizing when you get completely outplayed. I play a lot of fighting games, and I couldn't imagine playing them with any other mind set. I'd imagine most ragers wouldn't last more than a week.
I ensure I message the best performers on the other team with a good game or light hearted quip about how butthurt I am after being thrashed. Usually they deserve the praise for teamwork or stellar individual performances and I will often try to stay for a rematch too, why not? I enjoy playing against regular teams or better players for the most part. Trash talking has diminished with Reach & 4 so I have no issue sending such messages off. Pre game trash talking should return though, priceless stuff right there.
I'm pretty good at laughing that sort of thing off. I've never really been that great at Halo and other shooters, but I still manage to have fun.
Depends. The more people in the game unjustly blaming the game for their faults, the more adamant I am that my deaths are my own doing.
Edited by Braydzz: 4/20/2013 6:44:43 AMIf I know im bad at the game (Like COD) then I just laugh it off but if I put a ton of time and effort into a game and I consistently get owned then I start to get mad but the last time that happened was when I was getting my 50 in Lone Wolves cause unlike matchmaking where its quite easy to be the best in the game, in Lone Wolves they were all my skill if not better and for more stress it had a tedious ranking system.
It's a dying trend in modern matchmaking, but after most of my games (win or lose) I still send out the "GG" message to all of my teammates and opponents. It's a recognition that both teams fought hard, but even if I was on the team that just got their asses handed to them, the best team won and that they should be commended for a job well done. Personally, I think it's a trend that needs a good, strong revival.
well i laugh at first then send a friend request then try to beat that peoson later on
I laugh at how bad I did.
I used to watch the game back in theater in H3 to see what the other team was doing and how they played. Nowadays I just move on to the next game and forget about the defeat almost instantly. I get more upset when I know I'm playing stupid than I do when I get outclassed to be honest.
I used to throw the TV out of the window every time I lost, but it started to get expensive.
Edited by omg a bannana: 4/18/2013 11:15:45 PMDepends I usually say profanities under my breath but if it was an actual good game where my team actually played well and the enemy played well I'll usually tell everyone good game.
Use the Sonic Screwdriver!
I just leave the lobby and find another game. Of course I do that after every two or three games unless the lobby has rotated. I hate playing the same people for an extended period of time. Not going to lie though, I rarely go negative. That mostly stems from the fact that I go out of my way to avoid playing with randoms (or as limited amount of randoms as I can get). That and I camp like a dick.