Just an idea
Have 3 weapon slots
1. Primary (assault rifle, sniper, smg, pistol, launcher etc)
2. Secondary (assault rifle, sniper, smg, pistol, launcher etc)
3. Melee (sword, knife,( or maybe items like binoculars credit: BlessedSeraph))
I think 3 slots is confirmed.
I say 3 slots but I'd construct it differently. Simply have two primary weapons and a choice of your personal side arm.
idk why so many people want to have 2 primary weapons. personally i think that this is a horrible idea it seems to never work in any game that that is implemented in. personally i would rather it b 3 slots where u r limited to having only 1 primary and 1 melee and u can play with the rest. it allows plenty of implementation (given that we can use support equipment i. e. binoculars)
I could see having an upgradeable melee attack, but devoting a third weapon slot unto itself? I'm more with Euphorious. Having a dedicated melee weapon slot is pointless, especially if I have a shotgun in one of the primary slots. If you open up slot 3 to even a limited range of weapons (I understand you're not, just saying hypothetically) you open up the probability of abuse. I have that problem with Borderlands. I'm [i]too[/i] prepared with four equipped weapons and an inventory full of situational (read: every elemental variety) weapons of each class (sniper/revolver, rifles, SMGs/repeaters, shotguns). Halo's model was better. It forced higher tactical awareness, forced people into more specialized roles depending on the weapons they carried, and forced players to work together more to succeed. If you let everyone carry too many weapons, people will lone-wolf more since they are more self-sufficient and that's not the direction Bungie's been trending in recent years. Bungie's been more teamwork and cooperation focused, and carrying more than two weapons would defeat the purpose.
2 weapon slots will make you think twice before going into battle, thus making this game (for me) more interesting. Also, I don't know what they're feeding those kids in the future, but going into battle with a sniper rifle, shotgun, assault rifle and pistol is maybe a little too enthusiastic..
Disagreed. Stick with the 2 weapon slots. It forces you to make choices on your weapon carry. That's always been one of the best things about Bungie's games: I can't carry around a sleu of weapons. I have to choose if I want the rocket over my trusty DMR.
I think that the setup should be Primary, Secondary, Sidearm. With knives always being present and used during some form of assassination system, and more powerful melee weapons being a primary or secondary weapon.
I think two primary slots and then a secondary slot (IE a pistol, machine pistol or something similar) I don't really care too much about what goes in the primary slots, but it really irritates me when you're playing a game and a pistol counts as a primary weapon. It's called a sidearm for a reason. It goes on your hip and shouldn't take up the same amount of space as a rifle.
The "Pathways out of Darkness" video has a part in it where it shows a character named "halcylon" (At about 1:05). If you look to the left he has three weapon slots.
Edited by Hylebos: 4/18/2013 3:50:35 PMI think we should have three weapons, but not what you've layed out. We should be able to carry up to two primary weapons, and however many secondary weapons we need to fill the remaining slots not taken up by primary weapons. I continue to believe that melee weapons aren't interesting enough to devote an entire slot to.
I agree, but think the secondary slot should be another weapon, and the melee slot is optional melee or support weapon. Nearly exactly the way TF2 does it.
Edited by BlessedSeraph: 4/17/2013 8:29:49 PM3 slots sounds cool. It would provide a good deal of customization without making every situation manageable by one build. I'd like to see something like: [b]1.[/b] Primary 1 (assault rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun, smg, lmg) [b]2.[/b] Secondary 1 (melee weapon, binoculars, pistol, other useful items) [b]3.[/b] Primary 2/Secondary 2 While a Titan might decide to wield an assault rifle and a shotgun with only a speed penalty, it may slow down a Warlock's casting times, or make a Hunter less stealthy. You would have to weigh the pros and cons of carrying a versatile weapon and some light gear, or carrying a specialized load-out that allows you to fulfill a couple of niches while forfeiting some of your powers.
the secondary weapon should not be limited to pistols, I will say that much I am hoping that there will be ample opportunity for hunters to be able to use the SMG/Sniper combination
I think more along the lines of 1.Primary 2.Second Primary 3.Pistol/Melee
2 firsts good,third one knife,because if u have a sword this counts as a primary weapon,my opinion.
I'd prefer not to have any designated weapon slots since it could separate the weapon sandbox into multiple classes, thus making some weapons better than others instead of making them both useful in different ways. This would really restrict player choices in a game that wants you to make gut decisions, like with picking a race. For example, a player could be turned off from PvP because he loves Pistols, a weapon that is inferior to the "big guns." That player would then be forced to adopt a new style, taking away the fun of the game. The weapons also don't have to be balanced in a traditional way, like "smaller mag = more damage," but in a way that allows the player to benefit from its play style. For example, a Pistol could have a weaker round than an Assault Rifle (because that makes sense) and do less damage and have less rang, but have other perks such as faster reloads and faster movement, making it better for close quarters. The Pistol could also be upgraded over time, giving it more damage, better range/accuracy, and bigger mags. But to answer your question, I think that 2 undesignated slots would be the best for a game like Destiny, but you should also be able to store a few weapons on back up that you could swap out (this would take a longer time than just pressing Y).
3 Shots, different Layout. 1. Primary (AR, Sniper, SMG, Shotgun) 2. Secondary (AR, Sniper, SMG, Shotgun) 3. Tertiary (Pistol)
Why not four? Up, down, left, right. What else is the d-pad going to do, anyway?
I think 2...would not want to see everyone carry a sniper rifle, a shotgun and an assault rifle. Melee will prob be a smack of your weapon imo
I need to know more about the game in order to comment on this topic appropriately
I think we should have 4 slots...
All in favor of Warframe-style weapon equips say "Aye"
I'd prefer: 1. Primary (sniper, shotgun assault rifle, LMG, etc) 2. Secondary (sniper, shotgun assault rifle, LMG, etc) 3. Sidearm (Pistol) Melee is going to be an option anyway, but if you look at what whe've seen so far, I'm thinking you're probably right, which kind of sucks for me because I always wanted a DMR/BR like rifle, an automatic assault rifle, and a pistol. That'd be my perfect combination, but I guess a little too much to wish for :/
I'd like four so I can switch to whatever I find in the field dropped by the Ai so I can minimize my use of my specialized weapon and it's ammo.
works perfectly for me.
Edited by spartankk: 4/17/2013 7:10:14 PMMelee sword secondary and my shotgun for my primary.