grassley/cruz defeated 52-46 60 votes were needed
I can already taste the anti-gunners tears
Last count was what, 90% of the US population who supported background checks? Just proves one thing: senators aren't representing their constituents.
Edited by ThisIsForMarty: 4/18/2013 5:58:38 PMObama, your jimmies... They are obviously rustled.
Good. Such garbage, feel good legislation needed to die. The background checks we have now are sufficient. In fact, while its true you can 'purchase' a rifle online, the weapon must be shipped to an FFL dealer who is then required by law to perform a background check before the actual transfer of the firearm can take place. Funny now the liberals on Capitol hill tend to leave such information out when they make emotionally charged pleas to attempt to make new laws. I sincerely wish people would do their own research before crusading for a cause they know very little about.
I know this isn't exactly what the thread is about, but there's been this repeated inaccuracy in this whole thing. That article says that currently online gun sales don't require background checks. That's one of those things that is true but misleading. If you buy a gun online, you can make the purchase without the background check, but the gun has to be shipped to a licensed gun dealer, and that dealer can't release the gun to you without doing the background check. So yes, you can make the purchase without one, but no, you can't actually get the gun without one that way.
2015, I'm calling it. It'll happen, hopefully.
Edited by lightlamp2: 4/18/2013 10:57:06 AMI'm looking forward to when you actually start losing your guns. Soon...
Freedom keeps on flying.
Edited by Seggi: 4/18/2013 2:18:08 AMlol, America is such a -blam!-ing stupid place.
They're not doing ANYTHING to address the cause of shootings.
f*** yeah! for those who thought the bill was good, it wasn't. it had a LOT of things wrong with it. Also, it isn't a compromise if nothing is given in return. it was cleverly worded "seems like a compromise" ideas that would actually weaken existing laws on the books, like the 1986 Firearms Owners Protection Act which allows for personal transport of unloaded and locked up firearms between states for lawful purposes like hunting or competition without prosecution under state law that differs from the residential state of the owner(like NJ, Illinois needing a FOID) when passing through.
:/ A time will come when a similar amendment [b]will pass.[/b] We shall regress for now.
Now that this bullshit is done Federally, we need help in California. The Conetticans need help, so do New Yorkers and New Jersyites. We need to help Colorado as well. Not one step back comrades, make them pay politically for every inch they take. Fight on, we still have a major battle to win.
Long live freedom!!! Now, where are my cigars and my flag?
Ted Cruz is still an idiot.
[quote]#liberaltears[/quote] Explain again to me how you expect to convince people to come to your side of the argument when you basically insult them? This hashtag alone makes me wanna confiscate all the guns out of spite. At the very least cockblock you from ever getting one.
Why the hell are more background checks more controversial? Gun Lobbyists: Gun's aren't the problem, the people using them are! This Amendment: Then we'll make more background checks on the peo- Gun Lobbyists: No! We don't want any background checks
good. that law wouldn't have done shit anyways
Obama sounds pissed.
Edited by vertibird: 4/17/2013 10:57:01 PMGood. Now i can buy more guns. to kill people with
2nd Amendment and guns for the WIN! They need to quit and fix REAL problems.. Like Prohibition? Derp!
looooool "shot down"
i'm a little confused on what was in the amendment, can someone please tell me?
If it's just a simple background check, then I'm fine. If it's banning me from owning a gun under any other circumstance than if I am a felon or have a mental illness, then I'm not fine.
You Americans sure do love your weapons.
I am extremely pro-gun but I cannot understand why universal background checks are so terrible.