e: The people in this gallery are not being considered suspects by the FBI and, in fact, probably had nothing to do with the incident. The one in the blue track suit is just a normal high school student. Pictures of the two actual suspects can be found here: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/18/us/boston-blasts/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 . Just as a disclaimer if, for some reason you know these people, please contact the FBI because bombs are bad and they should feel bad.
All images from a 4-chan "Think Tank" (whatever the hell that means). The main suspect -- from what I gather -- as per the pictures, seems to be the bearded man in the blue jacket. Just figured I'd post it because, while some of the pictures are rather obscure and probably mean nothing, others are very interesting and possibly insightful.
A think tank is a group of intellectuals and experts that devote their time towards solving complex issues within their field of study. Most commonly, these institutions tend to be devoted towards economics, political science, public policy, and international relations. If memory serves me, the term arose right around the time RAND corporation began to bloom. Organizations like RAND would work for the Pentagon on defense issues, and were dubbed "think tanks" because of their military affiliation. [i]The More You Know![/i]