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4/19/2013 4:56:28 PM

To those who oppose the right to own a firearm...

Yeah yeah yeah, another one of these. Big whoop wanna fight about it? Nahh. I want to kindly state something and hopefully get some educated opinions... I am a licensed and TRAINED citizen of Texas to carry and conceal a firearm on my person in public places. I carry a Glock 26 on me, and I keep a Colt 1911 Defender in my truck. Many people have said around me that I am too paranoid or overcompensating. Some have even outright said that "I should not take justice into my own hands, and just simply rely on the police since that is their job." Well, if there was a shooting at my local best buy and no cop was around. I could be the only person there who CAN and SHOULD stop that person who is causing this harm. I can end it all with two squeezes of my trigger. I DO NOT want this to happen ever! I pray that I would not have to use it ever on anybody! I do have thoughts about what would happen. Or what I would do. I do think about it, but no thoughts in the world can prepare you for that kind of situation. You can all kinds of plans, but once it really happens. It happens so fast that you go on reaction. I do not EVER want to have to use this. It is a piece of security for myself, and my family with I am out with them. If somebody wants to take that away or say that I do not have a right to this, then I would kindly say "screw you". So, do you think that I should be allowed to do this? Like I said, I am licensed and trained to know these situations and how to properly react to them.

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  • ...sigh There's like, 5 people who oppose all forms of gun ownership. The debate is usually about gun [i]control[/i], not gun ownership.

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  • ^^^

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  • Edited by SonOfTheShire: 4/19/2013 5:16:26 PM
    Interesting fact: three out of five gunshot-deaths in America are suicides. So, in other words, gun-owners are more likely to shoot themselves than they are to shoot other people. But, uh, I'm not exactly saying you shouldn't own guns because of that... I just think it's interesting...

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    8 Replies
    • Edited by burritosenior: 4/19/2013 5:42:22 PM
      Still no, and opposing ownership =/= opposing carrying around guns in public and having machine guns.

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    • There was a time when American children were trained and proficient with rifles and firearms simply due to the necessity of survival. I see no problem with it OP, but I'm biased due to my beliefs in the rights to bear arms and that it should not be infringed and the image burned into my head of the Korea shop owners protecting their places of business during the LA riots while the police stood by in disarray.

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    • I concur with you OP.

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    • As long as you are trained and know how to use the gun responsibly, I see no problem.

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    • Edited by M37h3w3: 4/19/2013 5:06:18 PM
      I don't oppose the right to own a firearm. There's a legitimate need for them. I dare say that anyone who seeks to ban all guns is no better than those who seek to have no limitations on gun ownership. The problem is where to draw the line as to what citizens should have and how to determine who isn't batshit insane and/or a criminal and who is batshit insane and/or a criminal.

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