Today I went to the toilets to pee. When I go there I saw two guys there, both of who have been suspended recently for assaulting someone. Also I know they have hatred towards a lot of my friends but I don't know about me. I wasn't 'scared' but I was worried the were going to like jump me or something. So my heart rate increased and I just couldn't pee. So I basically stood there for 30 seconds like an idiot not doing anything until they started laughing at me :(
Anyone know the answer to this?
What you're talking about is a fight or flight reaction. When you feel threatened, your brain prepares for stress by shutting down unnecessary functions like digestion, bladder control, salivation, etc, and boosts heart rate and dilates your pupils and bronchi, because blood flow, air control, vision, and adrenaline distribution take priority in life threatening situations. Basically, it wasn't because your heart was beating fast that you couldn't pee, but your brain was saying "urination isn't top priority here, survival is."