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OK, I think we need to define persecution. Too many people in the theist/atheist debates think it means something it does not.
Most times either side is voicing an opinion of the other. Is having and/or voicing that opinion persecution?
Persecution is when people are mistreated for their beliefs.
Ugh do explain, and dont tell me disagreeing or saying their opinions are stupid is mistreating. I need some clear examples that you consider a atheist persecuting a theist.
There's plenty of example of people here in the UK who persecute Muslims for being Muslims, and it isn't that big a thing here in the UK (only 59.3 percent are Christian, and there not the die hard kind you get in the US). So from this basic logic we can deduce that in the UK Muslims are being mistreated by atheists. Also, try going to an online website like 4chan or Reddit and telling them that you believe in a God. Those guys will eat you alive.