originally posted in:Destiny
I believe that in a brand new game bungie should not forget a big part of there heritage, as they did with the marathon symbol in halo. Yes I believe no mater how little or hard to find it is that there should be a halo Easter egg in destiny, perhaps a crashed hog, a unsc fire base, John 117 "grave site" (halo 3). But however small I believe bungie should remember Spartans never die!!!117
I think that an Easter egg would be awesome. A very hard to notice one, but like far away from anything on the moon you see a black tee shirt floating through the air that, only with your sniper scope, you can see a picture of the word Halo in tiny print.
Hell yes!
I say no... I am ready to move on. I think Bungie is ready to move on also. Just my opinion.... but no.
Why can't we just let sleeping dogs lie? I like that Destiny is a new IP. I don't want Bungie to be tied down by their most famous franchise forever. It's fine if they do have references and it's fine if they don't. I don't however, see why there [i]should[/i] by any references.
I am torn between yes and no. I as a die hard Halo fan would absolutely love to see the makers of Halo pay homage to Halo. I am huge into the lore of Halo so any other additions would be cool. Part of me however does not want any part of Destiny to be tied to Halo in any sort of way. Bungie is working on a new project and they turned Halo over to 343i. Reach didn't turn out super like the other Halo games. I do not want that sort of effort to be put into adding something Halo-y to Destiny. Destiny should be Destiny and nothing else.
I'm sorta mixed on the subject. I want Bungie to break away cleanly from Halo since its now owned by Microsoft. Plus I'm not sure how Activision let alone Sony would like a major competitor being advertised in the new Bungie IP regardless of their ties to their past endeavor. But if it's there then right on for the halo fans because then Bungie is showing them some love regardless.
I would say no but i also think it would be illegal for them to do so because Microsoft owns the rights to Halo ever since Bungie merged with Microsoft back when.
Yes. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Day 1 DLC Xbox exclusive pre-order bonus limited edition Spartan Armor. Mark my words you'll see it!
I am apathetic.
Sure, id love to see a couple of Halo Easter egg's, i hope they don't go too over the top though you know because of the whole new universe and what not.
Edited by Dead Account: 5/4/2013 1:46:55 PMNope. Bungie can't put anything from Halo into Destiny because they gave up all the rights to Halo when they became independent in 2007. Don't believe me? Remember [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myth_(series)][b]Myth?[/b][/url] Bungie used to own that but when they joined forces with Microsoft, they abounded all rights to Myth. Have you seen any Myth Easter eggs in Halo? Nope. The same will be for Destiny and Halo. There maybe subtle hints but nothing from Halo will be in Destiny.
Will they ... I doubt it ... kinda like this "[i]new site[/i]" they appear to want to leave the past behind. Ironicall I loaded up GTA 4 the other night ... relive the memorire before GTA5 hit. And noticed that there is a TV show (and radio adds) for a program called Republican Space Rangers - a direct parody of MC in the Halo series (ok, slightly more aggressive) but even made reference to the weapons ... and not like Rockstar owned anything to the brand.
No because halo takes place a good 500 years after Destiny so no I don't think they should add an Easter Egg for Halo
Edited by CReAT0R: 5/15/2013 4:35:42 AMWell, with M$ basically having full ownership of Halo, I don't think it will be quite as likely as with Marathon references in Halo. But, maybe we can expect a Tigerman reference?
Edited by SquattingTurtle: 5/11/2013 5:27:21 PMGreat, now i just nostalgia-ed all over the place from thinking about H2's easter eggs. >You will never work at bungie
I hope there's not. I mean yeah, Bungie made Halo, but that doesn't mean it needs to be referenced in their completely separate game. They don't even own Halo, so they might as well throw in some CoD references, or maybe Crysis or something else they don't have the rights to.
Cool perhaps but it just wouldn't fit with Destiny. I've played every version of Halo and haven't come across any magic yet, unless you think the Forerunners hit earth. I'm looking for something to take me beyond Halo, (but I'll still be playing the other 2 parts of the trilogy ;) )
Its pretty obvious that there will be.
I'd rather not see them, as I'd like to play something new; but I wouldn't mind it if there were only a few.
I think it would be pretty cool to see A super tall Titan NPC in all green armor walking with a half naked Awoken chick.
I don't really care, they'd be nice additions but it hardly matters. I'd like to see a Seige of Madrigal Easter Egg again (like the ones in Halo where you stand in a particular spot and the track from Myth plays), but Bungie don't need to be so indulgent in their past to make them put in throwbacks to Halo. This is a totally new universe, Bungie ought to focus on making it something new and unique.
i think marathon easter eggs would be better. coming across this ^ thing and using it to kick some fallen butt would be pretty cool. But if i bungie was thinking about putting in any halo easter eggs. I'd want to see one of there maps as a dungeon. Just think about running through the jungles of venus and finding some hole that led to a cavern. In that cavern would be an exact replica of Sandtrap except it was overtaken by vines and trees.
Definitely Marathon stuff.