Seriously. You can't complain about religious people going door-to-door shoving their books of prayer down others' throats while you yourselves (ironically) religiously go to every religion thread so that you can talk about how stupid, silly, nonsensical, illogical, or obviously wrong religion and faith are.
I get it, it's a hot topic and you want to state your belief but to constantly assert your atheism in an obvious attempt to seem better than others because you've (again, ironically) "seen the light" that is the idea of nonbelief and are thus (one more time, ironically) holier-than-thou.
Long story short: being publicly atheist in spite of religion as opposed to passively atheist (in a manner that it doesn't define who you are) is stupid and you should feel stupid.
e: title changed to attempt to have a less hostile tone
I don't understand the comfort of being an Atheist, can an Atheist please enlighten me? So let me get this straight, when I die, [u]nothing happens to me[/u]. I rot in the -blam!-ing ground, and I cease to exist. No sleep, no after life, nothing, void of any existence whatsoever. [i]How the Hell do you guys take comfort in that thought?![/i] Seriously, that scares the living shit out of me, I'd rather be a sinner and burn in Hell for all eternity over not having anything at all. That's a fate worse than death, why would I honestly want to believe in that? That's just a never ending nightmare.
Bitching about religion on the internet seems like it would be alot less annoying to people than indoctrinating children, murdering women, spreading and even celebrating ignorance and hatred, and pushing your personal beliefs through legislature in a government that's supposed to be secular. The thing you don't get is that atheists aren't going to force people to not have religion, even if they could. Most of us would rather have people come to the conclusion that religion doesn't make sense on their own, through basic questioning and logic of something they've been trained not to question, or to come up with unprovable explanations to. I get that religion is deathly afraid of public atheism because it represents a very valid threat to their way of thinking. But if you're afraid of foreign ideas you're doing your part to keep us in the dark ages.
Edited by Quantum: 4/23/2013 1:33:52 AM[quote]Seriously. You can't complain about religious people going door-to-door shoving their books of prayer down others' throats while you yourselves (ironically) religiously go to every religion thread so that you can talk about how stupid, silly, nonsensical, illogical, or obviously wrong religion and faith are. [/quote] [quote] I get it, it's a hot topic and you want to state your belief but to constantly assert your atheism in an obvious attempt to seem better than others because you've (again, ironically) "seen the light" that is the idea of nonbelief and are thus (one more time, ironically) holier-than-thou. [/quote] [b]How dare atheists exercise their right to freedom of speech?![/b] [quote] Long story short: being publicly atheist in spite of religion as opposed to passively atheist (in a manner that it doesn't define who you are) is stupid and you should feel stupid.[/quote] Publically atheist? What are you on about? HOW DARE THESE PEOPLE TELL ME I'M WRONG! ME BEING OFFENDED SHOULD MEAN THEY SHOULD ALL SHUT UP.
We need to get rid of delusional people. I'm not going to just "respect your beliefs" and sit in the corner because it can be unpleasant to face the reality. If people can be publicly religious I sure as hell can be publicly atheistic.
Diversity makes us strong, complete unification is against our nature and destroys a necessary conflict that in the greater picture helps us adapt and better ourselves. We need intelligent people with different beliefs and ideas to search every corner of the unknown in order to achieve a greater understanding of our wonderful world.
Atheists are the biggest hypocrites of all-time. They say they don't want religion forced or pushed into their faces, but they spend their entire lives taking religion away from others that want to practice it. Disgusting.
Live and let live philosophy is best philosophy.
I don't think atheism is very logical.
I don't throw my ideas around at anyone who disagrees with me, I just prefer to stay away from religion because so many people have died for ghosts and idols. I refuse to have any part with the christian religion because it was founded on lies, good morals, but lies none the less. I also refuse to follow it because hundreds of millions of people have been murdered under the name of "God". Most other religions are the same case.
I think we can all just respect others beliefs. You're religious? Fine. You're an Atheist? Fine.
Anyone, regardless of religious or atheist, who tries to shove their views on others is a moron.
I'm sometimes called an Atheist, but don't belong in a group, and generally have a 'live and let live' attitude. Well, until I see photos or video footage of people holding up banners that say 'God hates *insert here*'. Those guys WILL have the piss taken out them, from yours truly, and can go home crying for all I care. And obviously, the groups who claim that bombing and killing people is what 'God wanted them to do'. That -blam- can shove it. Be cool to each other, and we can all play nice, ya know? ;) L
Religious expression in public =/= religious discussion online
you mad bro?
Replying to threads on the internet is literally the same thing as going door to door. If you're so aggravated by atheists offering their opinions, you probably shouldn't be making/reading threads about religion.
Totally agree. People have the right to believe in, or not believe in, anything they like. But when anyone forces their views on others and berates the other person for thinking something different..... yeah that annoys me a lot. Surely everyone can agree that "Don't be a dick!" is a way of thinking that all people should advocate.
Yes, in a world where people are slaughtered daily due to their right to not believe in what a tyrant government believes, when children are threatened with eternal torture unless they conform to set of outdated ideals, and homosexual are denied rights on religious grounds, atheists calling your ideals silly is the real problem.
Edited by Circadian Wolf: 4/29/2013 10:34:32 PMThis is a public internet forum for discussion, it's generally assumed people will discuss things here ya know. If this was your own private forum and I came in and ranted about it then I would understand, but it isn't.
I miss the days when religious and political threads were banned. Now these are always plastered over the front page: "Hurr durr religion/atheism is bad!" "Hurr durr (insert political topic)" Then you have the idiots/trolls from every possible side coming in and the whole forum has gone down the crapper.
I blame teenagers
Yes OP! Someone who shares my point of view. I have no problem with Atheism. That would be going against my principles. But Atheists who try to make others Atheists really annoy me. Just let people find what they want to believe in. I found mine on my own, so why do people not let others do the same?
I remember back in the old days when saying anything about atheism or religion got you banned...good times. I've never met someone that's shoved atheism down my throat, decides online. I know a few, but they usually aren't buttholes about it.
now thats what I call edgy
We're receiving reports that vocal minorities are not only shit, but also hated by everyone!
Extreme muslims: Blow people up Extereme Christians: Blow people up Extreme atheists: Use the law to try and get religious figures and models removed from public view, and possibly annoy general theists.
I do no such thing. Have a picture of a cat.