He/she, he, or they?
Technically, as far as I know, they isn't correct, so I try to avoid it when I'm writing a paper. Usually, I use he because it sounds much better than he/she, but this year my extremely feminist teacher almost failed me when I did that, so I stopped.
What do you use?
If it refers to a vehicle, it's always a "she". However, I usually just use "they" or a non-gender specific term.
I try to use he or she, him or her, etc., but it's pretty easy to slip into either saying "they" or forming a mental image based on experience and using it. Like if I'm talking about nurses, almost every nurse I've ever had was female, so I'll start saying "she" without thinking about it.
Depends, there's some grammatical rule somewhere that was ingrained in my brain at some point dictating the usage of the above. I couldn't begin to tell you what it is, but it dictates what I say in this case.
I use the term uncle fuker.
So if I am talking/writing about a person whose gender is unknown to me what word do I use? They is the correct one, but sometimes I do say He for the unknown. Like an appointment with a Doctor where all I know is the surname, It's not because of some deep seated anti-female doctor views it's just because 90% of my Doctors have been Male.
He or she She or he Himself or herself Someone A person One One's Easily followed with using "they/their". Not sure if all are grammatically correct.
Your Teacher almost failed you because you used he? O-o Also, I use what ever comes to mind really :P