That was a really useful feature.
I previewed my posts all the time back in the Old Days. It was useful for posts that had links or formatting in them. I almost feel like an edited post carries with it a mark of shame or an admission of guilt. I liked being able to catch my (many!) errors before actually posting something and would like to see that feature return.
Considering links autoparse now, it's less useful than it was.
In the years I've been using online forums only a handful of occasions can I remember previewing a post I had written. I think it's a rather redundant feature.
A still say a Live Preview would be amazing. DO IT WEB TEAM!
Type posts in Notepad, CopyPasta to Bnet!
Yes it was.
Seems like one of the base features that you would add to a Forum. I agree, bring this back. Long posts are annoying to make now.